Phone: 916-685-8115

E-Mail: eghs@elkgrovehistoricalsociety.com

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 562, Elk Grove, CA 95759

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Next Event at the museum:

Speaker Series

The Historical Society hosts eight 1-hour long history presentations a year and they are always on the third Monday evening of the month, at 6:30 pm (doors open at 6:00 pm) at the Presbyterian Church at 8153 Elk Grove Boulevard. It’s a free event and we have snacks.

See list on the Menu to the left under “SPEAKER SERIES.”

Our next speaker on February 17th is author Amy Gorder who will share with us her second children’s book Ghosts of Winter of her 4-book series. We enjoyed the first presentation of her first book Ghosts of Autumn in February 2023. It is especially enjoyable to read as the “Elk Grove Hotel” is the centerpiece of the story. The book will be available and she will remain for book signing.




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Do you have a little time on your hands and want to help out at your own pace and when you are available, give us a call. Everybody at the Elk Grove Historical Society volunteers at many levels and we always have a lot of things going on (see below). We appreciate any help and we have a great bunch of people to work with and we have a lot of fun.

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Speakers Series

The Historical Society hosts eight 1-hour long history presentations a year and they are always on the third Monday evening of the month, at 6:30 pm at the Presbyterian Church at 8153 Elk Grove Boulevard. See list on the Menu under “SPEAKER SERIES.”


Annual Events

The Elk Grove Historical Society hosts, supports and/or partners with SEVEN specific events through the year. See list on Menu under “Annual Events.”


First Saturday and Virtual Museum Tours

The Museum (Heritage Park) and Rhoads School are open for FREE tours every first Saturday of each month (February through October) from noon to 4:00 pm (Rhoads School 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm) or upon request. We close in November to get ready for our “Old Fashioned Christmas” event.

We also have made a short six minute virtual tour video to give you an idea on what you may experience when you visit.

Click here to view video

If at anytime you would like a personal tour of the museums other than on 1st Saturday, please contact Dinah Withrow at (916) 204-4656 or dinahcct@comcast.net and we will schedule a tour with you.This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is dec-lines-6-1024x92.jpg

Tom Russell Research Center

The Elk Grove Historical Society has become the history research center of Elk Grove and has spent many years gathering, collecting, and organizing information of the area. We have ten file drawers of local family sir names and there are other files labeled Churches, Schools, Cemeteries, Organizations, Clubs, Businesses, Events, Places, Elk Grove, Local Cities, etc. We have the entire collection of Elk Grove High School yearbooks from the very first issued in 1912. Also, we are fortunate to have the entire Elk Grove Citizen newspaper archives. Plus, we have a huge variety of books in the library on a multitude of topics, including the Donner Party, the Miwok, Railroads, and Genology, to name just a few.

The whole purpose is to allow the community access to our history. If you want to search our files, just call and make a two hour appointment and peruse the subject matter at will. We have a copy machine at 25 cents a copy. Call the museum and leave a message at (916) 685-8115 or eghs@elkgrovehistoricalsociety.com and we will call back and set up a time to visit. Or you can call Louis Silveira at (916) 682-1335 or lssilveira@comcast.net who gladly accommodate and set up a meeting.

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[Click here] for direct link to Bookstore

Enjoy. Thank you.